901 Bannock, St Denver, CO 80204 USA
Training Objectives of ABAP: The Main Objective of the SAP ABAP is to understand the key concepts in the Object Oriented Programming is to integrate it into SAP ABAP to implement the various applications, and to understand the concepts of ABAP Objects and how to use them in Workbench tools to develop their own business applications and to enhance the Standard SAP Software to meet specific customer requirements. Target Students / Prerequisites: The main Prerequisites for ABAP is the basic qualification for making a career in SAP ABAP programming Development is sharp programming and Logical skills and understand the concepts of object-oriented programming along with solid knowledge on the database.
Course Content: 1. Introduction to ERP
2. Introduction to SAP & R/3 Architecture
3. Introduction to ABAP/4
4. ABAP Dictionary
5. Packages
6. Variants
7. Message Classes
8. Election Screens
9. Open SQL Statements
10. Internal Tables
11. Debugging Techniques
12. Modularization Techniques
13. Reports
14. ALV Reports
15. Dialog / Module Pool Programming/ Transactions
16. Batch Data Communication
17. SAP Scripts
18. Smart Forms
19. Runtime Analysis & SQL Tracing
20. RFC
21. ALE
22. IDocs
23. EDI
24. User Exits
25. BAPIs
26. Workflow
27. BADIs
28. OOPS Concept
29. Miscellaneous Topics
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